In May of 1999, HUD published a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Contract Administrators (CA) for Project-Based Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) contracts.

In Soliciting Contract Administration Services, HUD sought to achieve:

  1. Correct calculation and payment of Section 8 rental subsidies;
  2. Consistent administration of project-based Section 8 HAP contracts;
  3. Enforcement of owner obligations to provide decent housing for eligible families.

In April of 2001, The Cheyenne Housing Authority (CHA) submitted a Proposal to HUD for the services as the Contract Administrator for the State of Wyoming. In September of 2001, the CHA was awarded the contract for Project-Based Contract Administration (PBCA) in Wyoming. CHA took over the duties as Contract Administrator for Projects in the State of Wyoming, in December of 2001.

The CHA must administer Section 8 HAP contracts in accordance with the contract that was awarded to CHA. Specific core tasks the CHA will perform include:

  1. Conduct management and occupancy reviews;
  2. Adjust contract rents;
  3. Process HAP contract terminations or expirations;
  4. Pay monthly vouchers from Section 8 owners;
  5. Respond to health and safety issues;
  6. Submit Section 8 budgets, requisitions, revisions, and year-end statements;
  7. Submit audits of the CA’s financial condition;
  8. Renew HAP contracts;
  9. Report on CA operating plans and progress
  10. Follow-up and monitor results of physical inspections of Section 8 properties.
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